Bredonborough A mostly sleepless night
A mostly sleepless night from pain in the lower abdomen, plus concern for matters that needed to be addressed first thing regardless of the state of my health.
The Minx, concerned, booked a doctor’s appointment for 10.40. The Doctor was unable to discover what might be the cause, but will send a sample off for checking. Returning home, now into bed.
20.56 The Minx left early-evening for London.
The Minx entered the chamber of sickness throughout the day to ask questions about various arisings of some importance. While semi-conscious: Mr. Cheese & one of his Cheeses arrived c. 15.00 to organize the guest room for Brother Bill, this being beyond my current capacity to contribute much more than dribble pitifully from the floor below.
Rising at 19.00 to force myself into some form of sentience after a day in bed. And a feeble, weak practicing hour.
More pitiful dribbling ahead.